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2024/2025 IT Scholarship

Ibi Postal Codes & Zip Codes List

Location City/LGA States or Territories Type Postcode
Awuru-Audu Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Yamuer-Agbakyo Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Tudun-Wadan Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Tepga Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Moti Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Mkouor-Nyinka Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Maso Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Koso Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Kogiwase Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Kauyen-Sarki Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Ibua Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Ibi Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Gishiru-Hassan Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Gindin-Waya Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Gazok Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Badan-Koshi Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Anbua-Oranya Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Kegh-Aguji Ibi Yobe rural 670109
Gurbin-Dutse Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Sarkin-Kudu Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Rafin-Danisa Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Kauyen-Safiyo Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Dooshima Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Dogon-Ruwa Ibi Yobe rural 670110
Dampar Ibi Yobe rural 670111
Farin-Ruwa Ibi Yobe rural 670111
Gidan-Alhaji Ibi Yobe rural 670111
Gidan-Dangiwa Ibi Yobe rural 670111
Kauyen-Dodo Ibi Yobe rural 670111
Kurmin-Sauri Ibi Yobe rural 670111


Description of Yobe State

Formed on August 27, 1991, it is a predominantly agricultural state. Once part of Borno State, Yobe State was split off. Damaturu is the state capital, while Potiskum is where the majority of Yobe State's residents live.

On August 27, 1991, Yobe State officially became its own nation. The Babangida government partitioned off this territory from the former Borno State. The former Borno State was one of the largest in Nigeria in terms of land size, making it too large for simple administration and substantial development, which is why Yobe State was founded. Interethnic strife in the former Borno State also had a role.

The plains of Yobe are drained by two rivers: the seasonal Komadugu Yobe River and its tributaries in the north, and the year-round Gongola River in the south. The state's landscape is dominated by Sudan savanna flora, with occasional acacia trees. Savanna, characterized by its sandy soils and thorn scrub, can be found far further north. As the largest ethnic community in the state, the Kanuri play a crucial role in state politics. The main crops include sorghum, millet, peanuts, cowpeas, corn, maize, sesame, and cotton. The majority of the populace is employed in cattle herding and farming. Nguru, Potiskum, and Gashua are all sizable marketplaces in addition to the state capital, Damaturu. Main roads run through the state, linking cities like Potiskum and Damaturu to the capital city of Maiduguri (in Borno state)

Damaturu is a city and the state capital of Yobe in northeastern Nigeria. In 1991, when the state of Yobe was established, Damaturu was made its capital. The village is located in a savanna-covered lowlands region where millet, sorghum (Guinea corn), and peanuts are grown (groundnuts). It serves as a major marketplace between Potiskum and Maiduguri.

The Fulani and Kanuri are the two largest ethnic groups in Yobe State, but there are also many other communities there, such as the Bolewa, Ngizim, Bade, Hausa, Ngamo, Shuwa, Bura, Marghi, karai-karai, and Manga.


Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, and Jigawa are the states to which it is adjacent.

To the east is Borno State, to the south is Gombe State, to the west are Bauchi and Jigawa States, and to the north is the Niger Republic. The regions of Diffa and Zinder, Niger, lie to its north. Conditions are hot and dry for the most of the year because the state is located in the dry savanna area, with the exception of the southern section of the state, which receives greater annual rainfall.


Yobe is primarily a farming state, but it also has substantial mineral deposits, such as the gypsum and kaolin found in Fune Local Government. Gum arabic, groundnuts, beans, and cotton are among the State's agricultural products. One of the greatest cattle markets in all of West Africa is located in Potiskum, which is also the capital of the state.

Mineral resources

Trauna, kaolinite, gypsum, gravel, silca sand, limestone, diatomite, tinomite, and quartz


The agricultural sector is the business of the economy of Yobe state and increase about 40 percent to the state's gross domestic product (GDP) with crop production and livestock as the major drives.


Yobe State’s structure has a rich and various old and cultural heritage. There are (5) main ethnic groups in Yobe state which include the Kanuri, Fulani, karekare, Bade and Hausa. Yobe state are known for their  rich culture and traditions arising from their old connection with North Africa and Eastern Arabian. Yobe state provides irradiate perspective to the display of horses, regalia and spectacular horsemanship to bring about colour, pump and pageantry. The yearly rainfall in Yobe state varies from 500mm-1000m and the rainy season often start from June to September in the North and May to October in the South. The two vegetation zones in Yobe state are the Sahel in the north and the Sudan Savannah in the south have been seriously under threat of desert encroachment thereby creating arid and semi-arid conditions.


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